
Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas poster

WALT: Make a Christmas  poster with a sentence about what the celebration of Christmas is aboutπŸ˜πŸ’–

This poster was super fun and only took me two days to make and if you do posts a lot I would definitely recommend you try this! For me  Christmas also isn't just about presents its about spending time with your loved ones. I hope you enjoy reading this and my Christmas animation will be uploaded soon. Merry Christmas!!πŸ‘Œ

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Te Reo Animation

WALT:  Make a Te Reo animation using the Maori vocab you have learntπŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ’™

 We did this animation because we learnt some maori vocab from a woman who came in last term to help us.I found this animation quite challenging because it took quite a while  to finish and I had trouble with uploading but I asked a friend for help. Now I know how to do it I would definitely recommend this!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Endangered Species


Climate Change
Habitat loss
Introduced pests

WALT: Do a google drawing of something you have learned and to share it with othersπŸ’™πŸ‘πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’œ

I found this google drawing a bit hard to fit everything in because I had a lot of writing in it but I found out you could actually enlarge it and that was a massive help. I feel extremely bad for the species who are dying due to the reasons that are on c.h.i.p.p. 

Distance,kilometres, Miles, Hectares

WALT: Do  a poster finding the equal amount of metres to Miles, Kilometres and HectaresπŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ˜Š

We were given the task of  creating a poster about Distance or Capacity. I chose Distance because   I know a lot about it and I feel more confident with it.  This poster was really fun to do and I would definitely make another poster like this.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Te Kauru Camp 2018- Second draft

The Fear-fall!!
The ride started moving up right to the tippy top. I was mesmerized by the dazzling view, taking a glance  at the radiant sky tower. SWISH!!!!! All of a sudden we shot down like a flying bullet at full speed. My legs were feeling  amputated and flopping like no tomorrow and my stomach seemed hollow.At the end I was shocked  like a stunned fish and my head felt woozy. I felt as though everyone was ready for a less extreme ride, the log flume was our next stop.
When I least expected to fall down while I was talking I got such a giant shock because we shot down. I was extremely stunned at the end.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018

Term 3 - STEAM Reflection

WALT: Code using an arduino board to connect with snap4arduino  and and at least one LED blink.

 1.What was I learning and why?
I learnt how to make to make a LED blink using a electric arduino board and linking it with snap4arduino. I also learnt  that if you are fixing something up on your arduino board remember to take the main plug out of your chromebook so you won’t get a shock.

2. What did I do well and how do I know?
I think I did well with writing the code up on snap4arduino  because most of the time I followed it correctly on the diagram which for me it made it easier to understand.

3. What challenged me ……?
          What really challenged me was wiring up my breadboard and arduino board because I felt confused or unsure when I plugged my wires in  and I didn’t know if it was right or not which made me ask for help a lot more.

4. What would I do differently next time to make my learning more successful ….. ?
           I think next time I would ask for help more  and work with someone who understands it more and maybe I could learn from them.

5. What have I enjoyed about the learning?
         I really enjoyed this because it was a new experience for me because I’m more of the outdoorsy type and I also enjoyed working with my friends  and all the credit should go to Mrs Davan and Whaea Deb for all the effort they put into this.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Plastic Speech by Stevie.

  WALT: Write a speech with clear ideas and information and use an animated voice while speaking so the audience will be interested.


Have you ever thought about the devastating impact that plastic has on our beloved environment? If you haven’t, you need to start thinking about it now before our planet becomes a horrendous garbage dump!

Today I will try to convince you to give up plastic so our world with be a healthy, radiant place to live.

You might think, hey what’s wrong with plastic ,  isn’t it a useful, durable and cheap material to make things out of?

Well yes, we use plastic products every single day. For example your phone, computer, lunchbox, toothbrush, are all made from plastic.
That’s just the start, what about your shiny hundred nights certificate laminated with plastic , ( has sir ever thought about that) and I bet if you wrote on a list everything that is plastic in your house, you would have written down hundreds of things! There is hardly an area of our lives where we are untouched by plastic.

Unfortunetly our love of plastic is hurting the Marine environment, why? Well think about all those poor sea creatures getting caught or having their digestive systems blocked due to rubbish waste going into our precious oceans! Approximately 100,000 marine animals and 1 million seabirds die each year from getting tangled or digesting plastic!!! Have you ever heard of microplastics? For those of you that don’t know, microplastics are small plastic particles or shards that are less than five millimeters long which you can faintly see. Research says that  at least 5 trillion microplastics are in our oceans!!! How could we let that happen? Next time your at Ninety-Mile Beach take a look closely near the high tide mark and you will see thousands of those malevolent pieces of plastic that are there because of us.

One of New Zealand’s biggest problems at the moment is the waste created through thoughtless shopping. Think about all that unnecessary packaging that you have brought and taken in your lunch? Chip packets, plastic wrap, tinfoil! Do you really think you need all of that just because it looks nicely packaged and a whole lot of other people buy it!!! No, of course not, get rid of it before we grow the problem even more! Not many know that they are actually trashing our precious planet just by  littering and leaving their rubbish behind.

So, what can you and I do to reduce our plastic use? Firstly, at the supermarket you could try using material bags to put your fruit and vegetables in.  A much better option than those flimsy single use plastic bags! Next, you could use beeswax wrap and baking paper as a preferable option to gladwrap. Also, think about the products that you are buying and how they are packaged, for example instead of buying mini chip packs buy a big packet.
Buy tinned dog food instead of dogroll wrapped in plastic. Get refills of tomato sauce in cans so you don’t have to buy a new plastic bottle each time. Buy a bamboo toothbrush instead of a plastic one.  Next time you’re at the beach do the environment a favour and pick up some of the plastic that you see and take it to be recycled then it won’t turn into fragments of microplastic on our beach.

I hope my speech has persuaded you to help take action and keep our planet a happy, clean place to live for humans and animals.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

1-2 Things I've Learnt This Morning

. The first thing I've learnt today is that a decagon is called that because a decade is ten years and it has ten sides.
. The second thing I learnt is that in an argument writing you need to state your opinion, write reasons why you agree or disagree and put emotive language in it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Kiwi Drawing.

 WALT: Make an online drawing without copying other peoples.πŸ’™πŸ’™

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Science Roadshow.

 .I learnt that when you place something like metal in liquid nitrogen, it shrinks.

.I found how the muscles in your arm work interesting because there are two main ones that work it, the bicep muscle and the tricep muscle.

.I would like to learn more about how muscles in other parts of your body work.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Subtract Decimals Using Compensating With Tidy Numbers.

WALT: Share a maths strategy you are confident with doing that can be shared and others can learn from it.

This strategy is great to use if you are finding subtracting decimals  challenging. I definitely recommend  this and enjoy using it myself.πŸ˜πŸ˜€


Monday, July 23, 2018

All About Me Second Attempt.

My name is Stevie I am 10 years old and my favorite subject in school is PE. I am a Maori European and some of my hobbies are shopping, netball,( I play for the pirates team) , athletics and looking after my animals. Three of the foods I love are Mexican, Italian and lollies. I am an outdoors and indoors person and my most liked season is spring. I have two cats, two  dogs,one horse and one brother. My dads Name is Dave and my mum's name is Keryn .

I am a level 3-4 learner in math's,reading and writing at the moment. I think my biggest Strength in most learning I do is math's. I enjoy doing math's as well because in my opinion its a fun subject to do and an important thing  that you need to learn about. My biggest challenge in learning is writing and one of my goals for this year is to get to the middle or top of level 4 in writing.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Green Light Learning.

Green Light Learning
I have shown I am a “green light learner”
.When I finish my work on time.
. I am able to work with anyone in the class without distraction.
. I  persevere when things get hard.
. I am trustworthy and responsible when handling things.
. I do things in my learning to the best of my ability every day.
. I help others only when needed.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Assembly Vignette.


My heart started to pump rapidly as I gulped in a wisp of thin air. Boom! The music turned on, echoing through the wide hall. The group of villagers and I broke out into thrilling, crazy fortnite dance moves!!! The crowd roared with laughter, their fingers pointing directly at us. Kids were intrigued by our act, their eyes brimming with joy locked to the grand stage. All of a sudden, the room went dead silent and we sat down.

I stood up again, moving in unison with my friends over to the poi area. I picked up a poi spinning, hitting and flicking it back and forth as Tarakura swooped in, knocking and striking the victims and I down with no mercy falling like dominoes onto the head-rattling  ground. We got up and walked out of the hall, then thoughts flooded my mind. I wonder what the audience thought of our performence?

Tuesday, June 26, 2018 classic maze run-through.

This is a run through of instructions for  doing three puzzles on the classic maze which is a coding game on

How to do a math's buddy task.

WALT: Teach others how to do a maths buddy task and whats expected.
I found some year 7 tasks like measurement a little hard because its not my very good point in maths and I found decimal tests easier. I hope you enjoy my video!

Our class assembly.

This is a photo of all the characters and helpers in our class assembly. We put a lot of effort into the costumes for it. Also it was a lot of hard practice and it took several days to perfect it.

How I show leadership qualities.

One of the leadership qualities I have is integrity because I  treat others  kindly with care and respect , be responsible for my own things and help out when needed.

Another quality I show is  being a good team leader and member  by  showing good sportsmanship, playing games fairly, giving it a go and not giving up when things are tricky.

I show leadership by  being hardworking and knowing how to have fun because I show perseverance,resilience and try to make things enjoyable.

Friday, June 8, 2018

all about me

My name is Stevie I am 10 years old and my favourite subject in school is PE. I am a Maori European and some of my hobbies are shopping, netball,( I play for the pirates team) , athletics and looking after my animals. Three of the foods I love are Mexican, Italian and lollies. I am an outdoors person and my most liked season is spring. I have two cats, two dogs,one horse and one brother. My dads Name is Dave and my mums name is Keryn.

I am a level 3-4 learner in maths,reading and writing at the moment. I think my biggest Strength in most learning I do is maths. I enjoy doing maths as well because in my opinion its a fun subject to do and an important thing to learn about. My biggest challenge in learning is writing and one of my goals for this year is to get to the middle or top of level 4 in writing.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Nau mai, haere mai ki tΔ“nei taonga

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward
to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school,
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