
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wacky Animals Report

LI: to merge two animals together to create a new wacky animal that is represented by the combined characteristics of both the individual animals.

How did I do it? I researched information about pugs and eagles and then put the research into my own words on my wacky animal slide. Also I added a bit of creativity by customising what my animal eats and where it lives.

Reflection: For the past two weeks we had been given the task to create a report about one of the wacky animals on the google slide our teacher shared with us to write the report.
I liked writing about the wacky animal that I chose.
Next time I would choose a different wacky animal to write about.

Question for audience: Can you create your own wacky animal?

Tuia 250 Animation

 LI: to present an animation that shows our new learning about the different perspectives of Māori and Europeans first encounters 250 years ago.

How did I do it? I used lots of google slides to make the story seem animated .

Reflection: Over the past month we have been learning about Tuia 250 and what happened 250 years ago. My teacher Whaea Dom gave my class the challenge to create a Tuia 250 animation about what happened.
 I enjoyed adding in  custom stuff  to make my slide different
Next time I would make it the original story about Captain Cook.

Question for audience: Have you ever heard of Tuia 250?